

17 July Posted By: Admin kareelkun
Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Healthy sinuses are filled with air. But when they become blocked and filled with fluid, germs can grow and cause an infection.

Conditions that can cause sinus blockage include:
  • The common cold
  • Allergic rhinitis, which is swelling of the lining of the nose
  • Small growths in the lining of the nose called nasal polyps
  • A deviated septum, which is a shift in the nasal cavity


You may hear your doctor use these terms:
  • Acute sinusitis usually starts with coldlike symptoms such as a runny, stuffy nose and facial pain. It may start suddenly and last 2-4 weeks
  • Subacute sinus inflammation usually lasts 4 to 12 weeks
  • Chronic inflammation symptoms last 12 weeks or longer
  • Recurrent sinusitis happens several times a year.


If you have a simple sinus infection, your doctor may recommend you use a decongestant and saline nasal washes. You shouldn’t use an over-the-counter decongestant more than 3 days, though, because it can make you more congested.

If your doctor gives you antibiotics, you’ll probably take them for 10 to 14 days. The symptoms usually disappear with treatment.

Warm, moist air may help if you have chronic sinusitis. You can use a vaporizer, or you can inhale steam from a pan of warm water. Make sure the water isn't too hot.
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